Thursday 14 November 2013

David Whittaker and Francis Bacon

To get some inspiration and develop my current work, I have looked at the work of two artists. David Whittaker and Francis Bacon.
David Whittaker was born in Cornwall in 1964. He is a self-taught artist. "Most of his work is based around the loose form of human head and its metaphysical core". His art balances out contrasting emotions and states, like confidence and nervousness, hope and fear, conscious and subconscious, male and female. All of these are universally human. In a way, his paintings unmask and reveal a true identity that he explores through art.
I really like the way he portrays the inside of a human head by painting a really clear and detailed landscape and then outlining the shape of a human head around it, but making it very messy, unever and not completely clear to see.
Francis Bacon 1909 - 1992
"Francis Bacon, the artist, paints provocative and disturbing images that carry a raw sense of anxiety and alienation. They reflect that existential fear, loathing and incomprehention at the atrocities of the Holocaust that came to light at the end of World War Two".
Bacon decided to become an artist in 1928, after he saw Picasso's exhibition in Paris. He set up his studio in London and began his work that was influenced by Surrealist abstraction. However, he didn't gain much critical success and aroun 1944 destroyed most of his artwork, as he believed he failed to communicate his views and feelings.
After that, Bacon began to work on some more disturbing pieces that were meant to shock the viewer. He gained a lot of criticism over his horrific imagery.
Francis Bacon, ‘Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion’ c.1944
Francis Bacon, ‘Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne’ 1966
Francis Bacon, ‘Study for a Portrait’ 1952

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