Thursday 14 November 2013

Brief continuation

Rather than start a new brief, our new task after half term is to continue the previous theme on "traces" and develop our work and final outcomes. To start with, we did some line control studies of a skull.
The first one I've done was drawn using a 4B pencil that was tied to a long stick. It was quite hard to control the line, but I was able to come out with a sketchy outline, that I after went over with a 3B pencil held at an arm length, to improve the outline and shading.
 This one was a quick sketch where I used a 2B pencil held at the end at an arm lenghth. Itried to only use straight lines. It was easier to control than the study with the stick, but the pencil I used was harder, so I had to press the pencil more in order to get darker lines.

 The last one was done with a piece of charcoal tied to a stick. It was much easier than using a pencil, because the charcoal would leave clear marks on the paper even with little force used, so I didn't have to press it very hard. However, the line was still a little hard to control.

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