Thursday 30 January 2014

Sketches part 2

Oil pastels on paper - straight lines
Charcoal on paper
 Drawing ink on paper
Drawing ink on paper

Sketches part 1

Having decided to use portraiture for my further work, I did a series of sketches from photographs taken earlier to practice.
Graphite on paper
 Graphite on paper
 Oil pastel on paper
White chalk on paper
Graphite on paper - continuous line

Symbolic boundaries

I tried to think of a way to portray the theme of personal boundaries and did a sketch to start off with, inspired by the style of Paula Rego.
Paula Rego's work:


Thursday 23 January 2014

An Interactive Dynamic Shape Display that Physically Renders 3D Content - link

The inFORM system from Tangible Media Group at MIT allows people to manipulate objects from a distance, using physical "pixels" on a table surface that move in accordance with data from a motion sensing device.

See more information and a video here

New brief + research on George Grosz

We have recently started a new brief for a 6 week project called "1% inspiration", where we had to choose a theme to work on. The five avalible subjects were: collections, boundaries, city, domestic, book makeover. I decided to work on boundaries, focusing on the more symbolic meaning, looking at social, as well as personal boundaries and exploring their meaning.
To start off, I looked at a German-American artist, George Grosz (1893-1959), who was a draughtsman and a painter. Although he joined the army for a short period of time, he'd spend most of the war in Berlin making ati-war drawings and paintings, also attacking the social corruption of Germany. He played an important role in the Dada movement.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Online Portfolio

I have just created an online portfolio on and started to upload some of my work.
The link is here if you would like to check it out

Thursday 9 January 2014

PDF files


PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is a very useful format that can be used to share files with people who don't have the same software or use a different platform. It will keep the file's original look (including fonts, colours etc.) on multiple computer systems.
The main software used to open and view PDF files is Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"When you use PDF files to communicate, you don't have to worry about whether people have the same software you used to create your originals. So you're free to focus on what matters most — the smooth exchange of ideas and information." - information from